Monday, September 30, 2019

Quality Physical Health Education Programme in Nigeria Essay

ABSTRACT The paper focused on the Need for Quality Physical Education (PE) Programme in the Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme in Nigeria. It began with an observation on the inadequacy of precious educational systems which gave birth to UBE. Therefore, the paper attempted to answer the question – why there should be quality PE in the school. Furthermore, the paper examined roles of quality PE in the three Education Domains of Motor domain, cognitive domain and affective domain. The challenge of Quality Physical Education in the UBE programme was equally reviewed. The paper concluded that it is only the full implementation of its recommendation that would provide a lasting solution to the challenges of ensuring quality physical education programme in the UBE in Nigeria. INTRODUCTION The previous systems of education that were operated in Nigeria were inadequate to meet the needs for self reliance and rapid economic growth. It was this inadequacy that gave birth to a new one. The Universal Basic Education, Basic education is foundation for sustainable lifelong learning. it provides reading, writing and numeracy skills. The programme provides a wide variety of formal/non-formal educational, activities designed to enable the learner to acquire functional literacy. Basic education in Nigeria context, according to Awosika (2005), includes primary, junior secondary, nomadic and adult literacy education, which focuses on enabling the recipients to live meaningful and fulfilling lives, contribute to the development of the society, and derive maximum social, economic and cultural benefits from the society and discharge their civic obligations competently. WHY QUALITY PHYSICAL EDUCATION? The need for quality Physical Educational Programme offered in the Universal Basic Education (UBE) cannot be over-emphasized. Physical education programme which aims at developing a sound body in readiness for a sound moin has been described by many authors (Adedeji 1998, Ajisafe 1980, Anyanwu 1981, Awosika 1986 and Oyewusi 1992) as education through movement with the body as a vehicle. For several years, one of the goals of all concerned with the physical activity of children has been quality physical education offered daily in our nation’s schools. It is the right of the Nigerian child to be offered quality physical education. According to UNESCO 1978 in Awosika (2005), the International Charter of Physical Education and Sports declares that physical education and sports are fundamental rights for all, and specifically, that: i.Every human has a fundamental right to access physical education and sports which are essential for the full development of personality. The freedom to develop physical, intellectual and moral powers through physical education and sport must be guaranteed both within the education system and in other aspects of social life. ii.Everyone must have full opportunities, in which national traditions of sports, for practicing physical education and sports developing physical fitness and attaining a level of achievement in sport which corresponds to inherent gifts. iii.Special opportunities must be made available for young people, including children of pre-school age, for the aged and for the handicapped to develop their personalities to the full through physical education and sports programmes suited tot their requirements. For these reasons, the physical education curriculum must facilitate achieving National content standards for physical education. To accomplish this, Gallahue and Donnelly (2003) opined that the curriculum should include the following elements: 1.Fitness education and assessment to help children understand, improve, and/or maintain their physical well-being; 2.Instruction in a variety of motor skills that are designed to enhance the physical, mental, social and emotional development of every child; 3.Development of cognitive concepts about motor skills and health enhancing levels of fitness; 4.Opportunities to develop social and cooperative skills and gain a multicultural perspective. 5.Involvement of all children activities that provide maximum amounts of appropriate physical activity. QUALITY PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND THE EDUCATIONAL DOMAINS Any educational programme that does not contribute meaningfully to the educational domains is considered deficient and needs to be restructured. Physical education is sensitive to the motor, cognitive and affective domains and should be viewed as a subject, like any other that makes meaningful and measurable contributions to all three domains. Each of the domains will be looked at briefly in the following paragraphs: MOTOR DOMAIN The motor domain is the basis for the motor skill themes of the physical education programme. Motor development, according to Ayodele (2005), is a progressive change in one’s movement bahaviour brought about by interaction of the movement task with the biology of the individual and the conditions of the learning environment. In other words, one’s unique hereditary make up, along with specific environmental conditions combined with the requirements of the task itself to determine the rate and extents of the movement skill acquisition and fitness enhancement. Quality physical education programme, therefore, will help all children make adaptive change toward increased motor control and movement competence. This is achieved by involving the children in movement activities that are both appropriate to their age and development. COGNITIVE DOMAIN Physical education does not only make unique contribution to the acquisition of movement skills and physical fitness enhancement; it also makes meaningful contributions to the cognitive aspect of children’s development. Cognitive learning is a progressive change in the ability to act Bredenkamp, 1992 in Ayodele, 2005). Cognitive concept of learning can be effectively taught through movement, that is, active participation in activities. Usually, participation in most, if not all physical activities, begins in mind. The participants must first have a concept of the action, think and reason it out before the action. Considering the swiftness with which most physical education activities are performed, one can only imagine the beneficial tasking effect on the cognitive development. It is interesting to note too, that, movement often meets the needs and interest of children more than classroom activities that are less active. When a child is actively participating in a game that is teaching academic concepts, her attention is not easily diverted by extraneous stimuli (Ayodele, 2005). Also, many of today’s children under value academic achievement but have high regard for physical performance. AFFECTIVE DOMAINS An important outcome of any quality physical education programme is enhancement in the affective domain. Affective growth is learning that increased the ability of children to act, interact and react effectively with other people as well as with themselves. Affective growth is often referred to as â€Å"social – emotional development†. Physical education programme provide ample opportunity for interaction and the development of feelings (emotion) for others. CHALLENGES OF QUALITY PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE UBE PROGRAMME Quality physical education uses the gymnasium, playing fields as learning laboratory and numerous consumable equipment and supplies that calls for adequate funding. These are lacking in most of the schools. Quality physical education calls for teachers who are dedicated to children’s learning. it is not a â€Å"throw out the ball† programme or some form of glorified recess period. Gallaheu and Donnelly (2003) opined that if children are to realize the full potential of physical education, then, the physical education must continue to strive for quality physical education programmes offered daily. It has been also observed that Nigerian children are frequently unable to take advantage of the many benefits of vigorous physical activities because of poor or non existence of physical education programmes, sedentary life style and erroneous assumption that children by the very nature of being children get plenty of physical activity. As a result, low levels of physical fitne ss and movement skill attainment are all common. Pate (1995) opined that schools should offer physical education programmes, which provide and promote physical activity at every opportunity. Physical education and the school curriculum is another area of challenge. Though physical education has been formally entrenched into the UBE curriculum, effective teaching still leaves much to be desired. Findings have shown that many schools do not teach physical education as it should be taught, while some do not even teach it at all. Ajisafe (1991) attested to this claim that the periods of physical education are often used by children to work outside the class room either to clean the school premises or school farm. Lack of qualified physical education teachers is another challenge. Qualified Physical Education teachers have a lot of role to play in the school PE programme. They teach physical education, organize and administer intramural and extramural sports and they form the cream of the administrators of school sports. If physical education teachers are not adequate, non specialists in physical education cannot properly carry out these functions. Lack of motivation of physical education teachers and athletes; irregular intra-mural and extra-mural sports at school levels and many other challenges need to be urgently addressed to ensure quality PE programme in the school. RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations are put forward towards ensuring quality physical education programme in the Universal Basic Education in Nigeria. More so, school sports (intra-mural and extra-murals) is a forum to practicalize what has been learnt during physical education lessons, it is then imperative that the UBE programme should ensure that PE is properly taught in every school by: (i)Adequate funding of PE and sports programmes; (ii)Employment of adequate and qualified Physical Education teachers for the schools; (iii)Provision of sports and PE facilities, equipment and other supplies; (iv)Resuscitation of the annual intra-mural sports and the extra-mural sports; (v)The PE specialists should be abreast of the latest research, issues and trends in the field through ongoing professional development; (vi)Physical education classes should contain about 25 students per class in order to enhance effective teaching. CONCLUSION Every human being has a fundamental right to participate in sport and physical activity of their choice (UNESCO, 1978). For the children and youth, physical education should be taught in the schools by qualified teachers (Eoulon, 1994). It is only the full implementation of these and lasting solution to the challenges that would ensure quality physical education programmed in the Universal Basic Education in Nigeria. REFERENCES Adedeji, J.A. (1998). Physical Education in Educational Institutions in Nigeria. International Journal of Physical Education. (15) 4 Ajisafe, M.O. (1980). Teaching Physical and Health Education, Macmillan Nigeria Publishers Ltd. Yaba, Lagos. Ajisafe, M.O. (1991). Physical Education in the Service of Mankind (unpublished manuscript). Anyanwu, S.U. (1981). Secondary School Physical Education: Implications for the Development of Sports In Nigeria. The JONA PHER, (2), 2. Awosika, Yomi (1986). It pays to play: With Recreation During Economic Recession. In Afisafe (Ed) Recreation and National Awareness. 73-77 Awosika, Yomi (2005). Collaborative Roles of Physical Health Education and Sports in the Effective Implementation of Universal Basic Education Programmmme. In Omolawan, K.O (Ed) Journal Of Sports Management and Education Research (1), 2:1-20. Ayodele, I.R. (2005). Need for Quality Developmental Physical Education Offered Daily in the Programme. In Omolawam, K.O. (Ed); Journal of Sport s Management and Educational Research (1), 2 121-127. Coulon, S.C. (1994). Elementary Physical Education: A Rural School Districts Perspective Rural Educator, (3) 15: 13-17. Gallahue, D.L. & Donnelly, F.C. (2003). Developmental Physical Education for all Children (3rd), China: Human Kinetics Oyewusi, J.A. (1992). Using Physical Education as a Therapeutic Weapon. Sports Science and Medicine, (2), 1; 307-328. Pate, R.R. (1995). Recent Statements and Initiatives on Physical Activity and Health Question 47:304-310. UNESCO (1993). International Charter of Physical Education and Sports. UNESCO, Paris, France: Eric Document: 370-901.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Othello is a play about jealousy Essay

Othello is a play about jealousy, Iago’s innate jealousy and the imposed jealousy of Othello, discuss. Othello is a Shakesperian tragedy in which the valuable qualities of the favourable characters are manipulated against them in such a way that their own qualities catalyse their own downfall. At the start of the play all is well between the honest Othello and sweet Desdemona until Iago slowly poisons Othello’s mind until it cumulates in a bloody and murderous finale. Shakespeare’s plays are well renowned for their examination of human emotions through drama, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ examined the nature love, ‘Hamlet’ examined the characteristic of having a weak mind, and both of these plays revealed the dangerous aspects to extreme feelings. Othello is a play that also explores the destruction that human emotion can lead to, and this essay shall consider the proposition that Othello is a play about the emotion of jealousy and its consequences. Iago is the first cause of all the trouble in Othello. His apparent motive for wanting to oust Cassio in favour of himself is his belief that Cassio is less fit and capable of the position of lieutenant than he. â€Å"Nor the division of a battle he knows More than a spinster, unless bookish rhetoric, Wherein the togged consuls can propose, As masterly as he. Mere prattle without practise In all his soldiership.† Iago, Act I, scene I. The harsh sounding ‘pr’ sound in the alliteration in Iago’s speech suggests his anger at Cassio’s appointment. This idea is later supported when Iago goes on to declare he cannot feel love for the Moor, as he feels Othello picks officers out of favouritism. Iago feels hard done to by Othello, and the combination of these revelations indicate that Iago is jealous of Cassio’s new position and contemptuous towards Othello for giving it because he wanted the position for himself. He may also feel jealous because he is considered less favourable as a person to Othello, because he scorns Othello picking his lieutenant out of favouritism. It is these feelings that rouse the desire for revenge on Cassio and The Moor inside Iago, and cause him to plan the fall of his superiors. Jealous people are never happy with other’s fortunes and therefore can only be happy when others are misfortunate. Therefore, it is possible Iago’s desire for destruction is spurred by his jealousy. Due to the fact Iago is the root cause of the tragic result of the play, the point that ‘Othello’ is about Iago’s innate jealousy seems to be well made because it is jealousy which first inspires Iago to bring misfortune to those he views to be better off than himself. Iago is not only jealous of Cassio, but also jealous of Othello. Similarly to the jealousy he feels for Cassio, Iago is jealous of Othello’s respect and fortunate position. However, there is also evidence that Iago is jealous of Othello’s relations with women. He believes that his wife has been unfaithful to him with Othello and this would rouse jealousy and contempt. ‘And it is thought abroad that twixt my sheets He’s done my office’ Iago also finds Desdemona very attractive, and perhaps reveals he wants her for himself, although Iago’s precise motives are never revealed in the play. ‘Now I do love her (Desdemona) too; Not out of absolute lust, through peradventure I stand accountant to as great as sin, But partly led to diet my revenge For I do suspect the lusty Moor Hath leaped In my seat’ Act II scene I line ~280†² This speech can be interpreted as either meaning he loves Desdemona because he can use her as a tool in his revenge against the Moor’s behaviour with his wife, or perhaps interpretted as Iago admitting he wants Desdemona for himself- and his justification of this feeling being that Othello had Emilia. Either interpretation concludes that Iago hates the moor because of jealousy not only on the grounds of status and position in the army, but also in terms of women too. The idea of Iago’s innate jealousy of wanting Desdemona for himself would explain his behavoir of disregard for Desdemona’s feelings in conspiring misfortune for Othello. Iago sees her as a whore, ‘And I’ll warrant her, full of game’ Iago Act II scene III line 19. And this treatment of devalueing is similar to that of someone you want for youself and cannot have1. He is jealous of Othello’s relationship with her, and thus his hatred extends to her because he feels that Desdemona should love him and thus he not only wants Othello’s position, but to destroy the love he has with Desdemona because he is jealous of it. Iago would not have gone beyond his plans to simply eliminate Cassio if he had not felt passion for Desdemona, his actions to ruin her stem beyond military position. Another idea as to why Iago plans to eliminate Cassio and Othello is that of Coleridge’s suggestion of ‘motiveless-malignity’. The idea that Iago was not exactly jealous but just gained pleasure from seeing others miserable is, in my opinion, is a stronger idea than that of Iago acting because of jealousy alone. There is evidence to suggest that Iago was not jealous of Othello supposedly having sex with his wife, but just saw it as more reason to hate him. Iago did not hate Othello because of this- but as well as this- and this suggests that Iago had no real reason to hate Othello, but his evil character enjoyed the pleasure of seeing a great man fall. â€Å"I hate the Moor And it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets He has done my office† Act I scene III line ~385 The use of AND in this speech suggests that Iago hates the Moor through separate reasons than the issue of his wife. Iago’s treatment of Roderigo and Desdemona in the play also suggest that Iago is just an innately evil person rather than someone corrupted by innate jealousy. Roderigo and Desdemona have complete faith in honest Iago, and he abuses their trust and incorporates them into his plans regardless of how he may hurt them as individuals. † O good Iago, What shall I do to win my lord again? Good friend, go to him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Desdemona to Iago Act IV scene II line ~147 He has no reason to be jealous of Roderigo and Desdemona and yet he hurts them anyway, so this suggests ‘Othello’ is not just about Iago’s innate jealousy, but his evil ways. He knows the trouble he is causing, and indeed uses dark imagery to express the enjoyment in the pain he creates. â€Å"I haven’t. It is engendered. Hell and night Must bring this monstorous birth to the world’s light† The darkness in the language and the imagery of hell he uses indicates a dark cruel side in Iago and the playful romantic imagery of his evil plans proves he retracts enjoyment out of it without guilt. â€Å"If consequence do but approve my dream My boat sails freely both with wind and steam†. I believe getting so much enjoyment out of their misery is a point against ‘Othello’ being about Iago’s innate jealousy because jealous people tend to act irrationally. Iago methodically plans his actions. However, the fact Iago is so bitter could also have hardened him over the years. He seems to be jealous of anyone who is valued favourably, and resentful to anyone who values someone else more highly than himself. In this way I am of the opinion that the play is very much about Iago’s innate jealousy transforming him into a bitter man who derives his only pleasure in life from seeing people who could be happy turn miserable. Iago’s tragedy is perhaps that he can never be happy himself and so spends his life making other’s miserable with motiveless-malignity. However, in the book ‘Seven’, a serial killer says â€Å"I took it away because I envy your normal life detective, so it seems that envy is my sin† having killed his victims he admits he wishes he could be normal. Jealousy and envy are closely interlinked, so if a serial killer who kills helpless victims even prefers to die because of his jealousy of normal happy people, then the fact Iago shows no remorse perhaps wagers that Iago did not primarily act out of his jealousy but lust for causing pain. Othello is very much in love with Desdemona at the start of the play, he feels his soul bound to hers and has complete faith and trust in her. His soft language is almost like poetry and reveals his gentle nature. ‘Oh my soul’s joy!†¦ If I were now to die, ‘Twere now to be most happy; for I fear My soul hath her content so absolute That not another comfort like to this Succeeds in unknown fate† Othello is an old black man and Desdemona is a beautiful young Venetian girl, in Shakesperian times this would have been considered a very unconventional marriage and people would have looked down on it, at the time, black people were only associated in England with Slaves. The play, however, shows that true love in any circumstance can over power social integrity. In the beginning of the play, their relationship is very solid despite the troubles that they had to go through to be accepted, however Iago poisons Othello’s mind into becoming a jealous monster. Desdemona originally speaks of Othello as if he is beyond jealousy ‘†¦My noble Moor Is true of mind, and made of no such baseness As jealous creature are.† Desdemona Act III, scene IV. Therefore, when Othello is finally corrupted by Iago’s slowly dripping trickle of evil lies and ideas, it is a shock to Desdemona to see her husband so callous. The play is about how Othello changes from one man into a completely different one, and the cause of this is jealousy. Thus I can say that the play is about Othello’s imposed jealousy. As Othello spends more and more time with Iago, he becomes almost in Iago’s possession. At the beginning of the play, Othello has a musicality in his words, and speaks with such beauty and power. ‘Amen to that, sweet powers! I cannot speak enough of this content It stops me here; it is too much of joy.† His references are to God and Christianity, and he talks of sweetness, joy and contentment. Later, however, the imagery he uses in his speeches changes completely. Shakespeare uses imagery in language to portray the personalities of characters, and thus, a change in Othello’s speeches indicates a change in personality. ‘Damn her Lewd Minx. O damn her, damn her! Come, go with me apart, I will withdraw To furnish me with some swift means of death For the fair devil. Now art thou my lieutenant† Act III, scene IV. The imagery he uses here is that of darkness and hell. These are similar to Iago’s imagery repetition of hell. Shakespeare makes a connection between Iago’s hellish imagery and Iago’s possessing of Othello. Witchcraft in Shakespeare’s time had more social stigma attached to it than in 2002 Britain, therefore, Shakespeare was making strong linkages between Iago and evil, stronger than how we would interpret it today. The almost hellish possession of Othello by Iago leads to the end result, and thus the imposed jealousy of Othello by Iago is a main part of what the play is about. Psychologist Emma Goldman states on jealousy: â€Å"Jealousy, the contortions of which we see in the matrimonial tragedies and comedies, is invariably a one-sided, bigoted accuser, convinced of his own righteousness and the meanness, cruelty and guilt of the victim. Jealousy does not attempt to understand. It’s one desire is to punish†¦as severely as possible†¦honour is restored as soon as blood is shed, either that of the man or the woman.† From the archives of the New York public library. This description is essentially what Othello goes through and basically summarises the play. Othello’s imposed jealousy is different to Iago’s innate jealousy because while Iago appears to be jealous of people who merely have the capacity within them to be happy, Othello appears jealous of Cassio and suspicious of Desedemona because he genuinely thinks they do him wrong. This can lead to the interpretation that Othello was never indeed jealous. Coleridge believed that Othello was indeed not jealous. â€Å"Let me repeat, that Othello does not kill Desdemona in jealousy, but in a conviction forced upon him by the almost superhuman art of Iago, such a conviction as any man would have entertained who had believed Iago’s honesty as Othello had† Notes on Othello, Coleridge Coleridge is saying here that Othello was not jealous of Cassio, or unnecessarily suspicious of Desdemona, but in fact just severely hurt. Iago is repeatedly referred to as ‘honest’ throughout the play, and even his own wife Emilia did not suspect him of such evil acts. Therefore, because Othello is such a believing and trusting person, he had no element within himself that questioned the honest Iago, with whom he was on first name friendly terms with. Othello was not jealous when he killed Desdemona, but in fact felt it was the only way in which he could regain his respect. In Shakespearian times, the man whose wife was unfaithful would be labelled a cuckold. It was a huge public disgrace to the man as well as an emotional strain, and Othello, being proud, did not take this well, thus he killed the woman he loved not out of jealousy, but out of ‘solemn agony.’ Without Desdemona, and with the knowledge that someone he loved so deeply had betrayed him, Othello felt in despair. â€Å"Look where he comes. Not poppy, nor mandragora, Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world, Shall ever medicine thee to sweet sleep Which thou owedst yesterday† Iago of Othello Act III scene III, line 329. In this way we can see that Othello is not just a play about jealousy, but it is also a play about trust and deception. Othello should have believed Desdemona but the seemingly honest Iago used everyone’s good traits against them, and caused the bloody mess single handedly. To conclude, Othello is perhaps a play about the innate jealousy of Iago, however, I am left unsure about the precise motives Iago has. I tend to agree with Coleridge, that Iago is motivated simple by the direst cruelty, although there is substantial evidence, such as his behaviour towards people who seem happier than himself, that Iago suffers from innate jealousy aswell. The play to me, seems to be more about mistrust, and the tragedy that Othello believes Iago over his wife. The fact Othello is so quick to doubt both his love and his best friend also suggests that Othello has a weakness in character judgement and solidarity of emotion. However, Iago was a very intelligent manipulator, and had luck on his side, to create a catharsis of emotion which drives Othello to kill his beloved, and how Iago manages to do this, is essentially what the play is about. It leaves the open question for me, that did even Shakespeare not know exactly what drove Iago, did the writer have doubts, or was he just unable to convey such a complex character within the confines of a play. 1 It is a psychological theory that if someone/something you love is unreachable, your mind will automatically begin to devalue them to ease the pain of not having that person/thing. It is easier to accept a whore does not love you than to accept a genuine pure girl does not love you.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Introduction to Roles of Army Engineers

CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NIGERIAN ARMY ENGINEERS TO NATION BUILDING: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS INTRODUCTION 1. Nations of the world set objectives which they continually strive to achieve. These objectives which are regarded to be of benefit to the citizens of the country are collectively known as national interest. The extent to which a nation can achieve its national interest and indeed the influence it wields in the international community depends largely on its level of development. Nation building literally connotes national development.In a contemporary society, the concept of national development is directly linked to the general well-being of a state and its people. National development or nation building is predicated on indices such as economic stability, peace and security of the state. The essence of any government therefore is to provide security and welfare for the citizenry to achieve stability and peace. Nation building is a continuous process. It represents the process wh ereby changes are effected within any society to generate wealth, create economic opportunities and bring about peace, stability and security. . Over the last half century, some advanced countries like the USA, China and Israel among others have implemented various plans towards development. One of such plans is the use of their military in national development. Historically, military involvement in nation building can be traced to socialist countries like Russia, China, Cuba and Vietnam where the military was engaged in developmental activities such as agriculture and manufacturing.Later in the face of economic challenges, countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan and Iraq also used their military in nation building through their military engineers for road construction and industrial development. This contributed to the development of their national economy. 3. A nation is defined as ‘a large body of people united by common descent, culture or language, inhabiting a particul ar state or territory’. On the other hand, building is ‘the business or task of constructing houses, factories, bridges and other large structures’.Hence, nation building could be described as a structural transformation of all facets of national lives such as economic, political, social and technological endeavours in order to make a nation more viable for development. 4. Similarly,in developing countries like Nigeria, it has become imperative that the military be actively involved in nation building to compliment the efforts of all other sectors involved in such activities. The NA through the Nigerian Army Engineers (NAE) has been in the forefront of this drive, in addition to its role of the defence of the territorial integrity of Nigeria.The NA also has the responsibility of aiding civil authority in disaster management or civil construction works which are normally carried out by NAE. However, the NAEhas the primary role of helping the NA to live, move and f ight. These include construction of roads and bridges, reconstruction and rehabilitation of facilities and water supply. For example, the NAE constructed the first road to Mambilla Plateau, of the then Northern Region now Adamawa State, in the 1960s. The Corps was also involved in the construction of a bridge across River Rima and the reconstruction of Ayakoromo town in 2010.When the NAE plays these roles, it is inadvertently contributing to nation building. 5. It is pertinent to state that NAE evolved from the Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF) which dates back to the early Twentieth Century. The NAE were part of the Royal British Engineers which surveyed and fixed the boundaries of what is now known as Nigeria with the neighbouring French and German colonies. In spite of the contributions of the NAE in nation building, the corps encountered some challenges while performing their functions.These challenges include dearth of equipment, absence of legal backing and shortage of manpower among others. It is against this background that this paper seeks to examine these challenges in order to proffer viable solutions for the NA in supporting the NAE towards efficiently contributing to nation building. It is written for the Director Department of Land Warfare in partial fulfillment for the award of Pass Staff Course. 6. The purpose of this paper therefore is to examine the challenges and prospects of the contribution of NAE to nation building.The paper will discuss an overview of NAE and the contributions of NAE to nation building. It will further appraise the contributions of some other countries to nation building in order to draw lessons for NAE. Finally, it will examine the challenges and prospects of the NAE’s contribution to nation building. This paper will however be limited to NAE‘s contribution to nation building in terms of structural constructions and projects. The aspects of peace and security as part of nation building will not be d iscussed. It is assumed that the reader is conversant with the concept of nation building.This would therefore not be discussed in detail. AIM 7. The aim of this paper is to discuss the challenges and prospects of the contributions of NAE to nation building with a view to making recommendations. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. 1. Encarta Dictionary, 2012. [ 2 ]. 2. Robert B Schulz, The Dynamics of Development in the Engineering Nation, (Canberra, Canberra University Press, 2004). [ 3 ]. 3. Olaniyi AA, Maj Gen, Capability of the Nigerian Army Engineers in National Development, (Unpublished, May 2012). [ 4 ]. 4. Ibid. [ 5 ]. 5.Catherine S, Angus S, The Concise Oxford English Dictionary, Indian Edition, (New Delhi: Oxford University Press Ltd, 2007), P. 952. [ 6 ]. 6. Op. cit. Encarta Dictionary. [ 7 ]. 7. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999. [ 8 ]. 8. NA, Electrical and Mec hanical Engineering Precis (Nigerian Army School of Military Engineering, 1996), P. 11. [ 9 ]. 9. Abubakar, S, â€Å"How Military Bridge Brought Succour to Sokoto†, Daily Trust (Sokoto), 25 Oct 10, P. 3. [ 10 ]. 10. Olawuni, T, â€Å"Hope Rises for Ayakoromo Community as Jonathan Orders Reconstruction†, Business Day (Lagos), 16 Dec 10, P. 5.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Human Resource Management Information Information Systems Personal Statement

Human Resource Management Information Information Systems - Personal Statement Example During the dark days, any available job posting could be filled be anyone, this was due to the fact that; no special skills were required because technology had not advanced at that time. The main implication that various HR department have been going through includes, trying to keep up with the changing demand of labour skill that is changing at a high rate. Also, many companies have not included human resources as part of their strategies; rather they have incorporated technology in their strategies. HRIS, standards for human resources information system, this is a system where employee, statistics are kept in a data base. The information that is captured by HRIS includes; grade, history salary and education information. HRIS, Is basically a system where data and information of the employees in a company is captured and kept in a controlled manner This is software developed for the purpose of hr day to day running of the department. HR software have helped in streaming operations, improvement of relation in various department and finally removing barriers both vertically and horizontal in any organization set up. Hr software coordinates all the activities with accuracy and error

Thursday, September 26, 2019

PhD Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

PhD Proposal - Essay Example And yet, there are those that like the games that aim at one goal and others still that like to play games that are somehow multi-goal driven. Each game is based on the player’s way of realizing that the game should match their personality. If a business is just like a game, then the person would act in his business just as he would play a game, making decisions that come from his personality, behaviour and needs. As a business is complicated when it comes to making decisions, then it would be much powerful to attach it to the games that have multi-goal driven approaches. This would give the player, or the business person, the ability to make decisions based on a variety of aspects. This study is to examine the assumption that based on an individual person’s psychological behaviour and his specific needs, he plays the game in the exact same way that he would make business decisions. I will then build a modular that will assist the decision maker in learning how to focus on multi-goal tasks where the Game of Go, which is also known as the game of the intellectual elite, will be the tool to be used. This chapter is a brief review that will explain the meanings and definitions of the theories and the tools that will be used in this study. Game theory and business strategy definitions are stated in section one, as well as how they are similar with each other (2.1). Section two (2.2) discusses the Maslow Hierarchy. And then the Go-Game will be defined in section three (2.3). Smith (1996) stated that "leadership in the late 20th century is all about making right decisions in the midst of complete environment(s) posing a significant challenge to management in future leadership preparation". He went on to further add that "successful management constantly seek having to devise new systems dynamically aware to assist future managers and leaders creation with utmost suitability to then challenging the decision-making

NASA Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

NASA Project - Essay Example Multiple measurements and models have been put in place to improve and create an understanding hence improving on precision. Sea surface temperature comprises a three grid map in the western part of Atlantic is 2500 lines and 3900 samples. Mediterranean Sea is 2048 lines and 4096 samples and Mediterranean area which are 220 lines and 1350 samples. It is considered to be the most known sources of NO2 are in the combustion engines, pulp mills and thermal power stations. Its consequences include rivers are loaded with excess of this nutrient, excess deposits will pollute large water bodies. On the human consequences, the eyes, throat, nose and repertory system irritates when one come in contact with it. If a person gets exposed more often, it will lead to a chronic bronchitis which may lead to asthma disease. Children are at the high risk of being infected with respiratory infections. The intention of Giovanni interface is to provide an introduction to learners on environmental issues globally, regionally and also touches on local climatic changes. It is normally used by teachers and learners. This has been set on the DICCE-G basic portal to create relevance in detail thus enabling the user to come up with local climate change and thus expanding the idea into a global perspective. Giovanni is an application used alongside with the web in order to investigate the earth’s scientific data. It collects and analyzes data without necessarily downloading the data. It is also an interactive online infrastructure. Giovanni is used by researchers, teachers, policy makers, modelers, proposal writers and students. In order to use a Giovanni a web browser is required. The procedures are self explanatory and thus easy to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Analysis of news article in relation to macroeconomic concepts Term Paper

Analysis of news article in relation to macroeconomic concepts - Term Paper Example It is important to strengthen the Canadian economic vision that is built on innovation and knowledge, which is driven by a diverse and successful university sector (Yusuf & Nabeshima, 2012). Using this approach, the Canadian government can fully realize the contributions made by universities, especially those that are business-engaged. This paper aims to discuss the role that universities can play in growing the country’s GDP and in decreasing the rate of unemployment. Universities at the Center of GDP Growth A permanent hike in university funding, for instance, by use of taxpayers’ money, could emerge, as a cornerstone for the government to increase Canada’s GDP. A report by the Universities of New Zealand and NZIER concluded that an increase of government investment in universities would lead to a permanent and significant increase in the country’s GDP. In illustrating how increased funding would affect the economy, they modeled an additional $200 millio n in university research and funding over the next five years (Yusuf & Nabeshima, 2012). ... The Canadian government, at present, invests just more than $1 billion every year in universities with a similar amount supporting university students financially (Yusuf & Nabeshima, 2012). The Canadian government increased investment levels significantly in education following a report by KPMG Econ Tech in 2009. The report called, for increased university funding, to boost the Canadian productivity levels nationally by 4.6% by the year 2040. The same report also estimated that the implementation of these recommendations could also add up to 6.4% to the GDP. It is important for the government to increase university learning and teaching base funding by 10% by 2020 and ensure that they maintain internationally competitive funding levels (Yusuf & Nabeshima, 2012). It could be expected that implementation would do more for living standards and GDP than any single reform that is publicly identified and costed. Boosting university investment could lead to a more skilled and smarter, work force and improve wealth distribution that would reduce the two-speed economy problem where there is a boom in some sectors while others continue to struggle. The cumulative benefit to the treasury from these reforms taken over the period between 2010 and 2040 is projected at $325 billion, which is the public funding that is required for Canada’s major future needs (Yusuf & Nabeshima, 2012). This information also confirms that investment in universities from the government will continue to provide a dividend in productivity for many years to come. Expanding university reach in Canada is central to the productivity agenda fronted by the Canadian government. In this century, the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ansewering the international business policy (questions) Essay

Ansewering the international business policy (questions) - Essay Example Dogs often put business strategists to their wits’ end as they worry what to do with them. Unprofitable business units, as a matter of fact, consume similar financial resources as their profitable counterparts. Hence, business strategists often undergo a serious decision-making to handle Dogs among the portfolios of companies they manage. Some of the ways to deal with unprofitable business units or product lines include: (i) establishing a partnership with a brand company that sells similar products; (ii) undergoing merger with another company; (iii) or selling the under-performing business units and invest the proceeds in other businesses that may yield some profits in the near future (Dalton et al., 2007). Selling of unprofitable companies have become the most popular option companies’ managers use to discard off low-yield business units in recent years. 2 2. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are examples of Baltic States. The prospect of finding new positions in their ma rkets may be remote due to the poor economic activities in these countries. For a new company entering the countries must resort to a policy of market development before it could assume the market leadership in these countries. The process of market development is a quite risky adventure because there is no 100% guarantee that it is going to be successful. The process involves using the company’s limited resources (both physical and human) to research the Baltic markets, analyse the available opportunities, undertake products’ publicity, and organise distribution channels that may be different from the ones available in the countries (Stonehouse et al., 2004). There are some common risks associated with market development. Some of these problems are cultural risk, financial risk, market risk and resource risk (Haberberg and Rieple, 2008). Some of the questions to be asked about this process are (i) what of if the cultures in the Baltic States are not receptive to forei gn participation in a particular industry in the country, say, hospitality industry? (ii) how could the company entering into the Baltic markets scrupulously manage its resources? (iii) And what are the possible market risks associated with this kind of business adventure? Once these burning issues can be successfully resolved, it will possible to for the new company to control the market it targets, and also reap the complete benefits this adventure will bring (Haberberg and Rieple, 2008). 3 3. In an economically viable country like Austria, competition among the business operators in the country is inevitable (De Wit et al., 2004). Engaging in â€Å"price wars† is one of the characteristic features of competition in the markets. Price wars force every player in the market to offer competitive prices that would draw consumers away from their rivals and promote continued patronage of what goods or services they offer (Winninger, 1994). To win these wars, some companies may of fer discounts on each of their products; they may also provide subsidies to state or non-private organisations to purchase large quantities of their products (Winninger, 1994). Other incentives for consumers include reduced Value Added Tax (VAT), free delivery mechanism and post-delivery services that many other companies

Monday, September 23, 2019

Abortion is the Denial of Every Liberty without further Argument Essay

Abortion is the Denial of Every Liberty without further Argument - Essay Example Devoid of the privilege towards life, the other privileges are worthless. It is one of the most debated topics of this century. They have been performed for years, legally and illegally, all for the sake of one thing... to end an unwanted pregnancy. In modern society, abortion has become the number one birth control pill. A woman who happens to pregnant often believes abortion as their initial alternative. Because being poor, too young, unmarried, and not wanting a baby is most popular reasons for women to have an abortion. Another most common issue involving abortion is rape. Some women keep in mind that terminating a pregnancy might have to do with the health of the pregnant woman, or maybe this woman is unable to concentrate on the child’s needs after it’s born. In today’s society, more and more women are becoming pregnant at earlier ages. The majority of these women will opt to get an abortion while the rest will either keep the child or give it up for adoption. Some abortions may occur because contraception fails or because of a serious medical condition of the mother, which could lead to her death. In these situations, abortion is often the only way that prevents the birth of an unwanted child or saves a mothers life. So whatever our society decides to do with abortion, remember the effects that could happen to the world as a whole. She does this by her own free will, and she can control over what she is doing. So, if women are going to participate in this risky and unsafe practice, then they must be ready to pay the consequences; killing the innocent baby does not show any responsibility at all. They think the fetus is not yet a human being. Abortion certainly leads to health problems. According to some mothers, the worst part of having an abortion is the emotional pain that it brings once it is done (MariAnna, 2002).  Ã‚  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Financial Management for a 5 Star Hotel Essay Example for Free

Financial Management for a 5 Star Hotel Essay The service to be marketed is a 5 Star hotel with 380 luxury rooms supported by a range of food and beverage outlets. Located in Dubai, the domestic market will be considered to be the GCC, given the accessibility via short-haul flights and that currencies are broadly all pegged against the US Dollar, and therefore do not fluctuate against each other. The marketing strategy will cover sales in this domestic market as well as a range of global key feeder markets. Through analysis and comparison with economic theories, recommendations to guide the marketing strategy have been made. These point to focussing more strongly on the domestic market based on the higher levels of government spending, backed by a high oil price, the relatively low impact of cross elasticity with airfares and the lack of currency fluctuation risk for sales. Firstly I will consider the cost of production and some scenarios which may impact on the marketing strategy. The main costs in providing a hotel service are labour, rent and upkeep, energy and room servicing supplies (such as linen and tea amp; coffee). In terms of predicting costs for the first half of 2012, it appears likely the cost base will stay fairly stable. All costs are incurred in the UAE, with all items sourced in the local market. The major items, rent, labour and room servicing, are on long term agreements which are already fixed. Longer term macroeconomic effects may impact these, for example expat labour from Asia may be available cheaper next year in the global employment market if the world economy slips into recession. Unit energy costs are variable and could be influenced by macroeconomic factors affecting the oil price. These are difficult to predict, however I have considered that a global slowdown in the period could lead to less demand, forcing the oil price to decline. At the same time, continued tension in the Gulf, particularly around the Straits of Hormuz, could lead to upwards pressure on oil prices. On balance, for this exercise I have assumed that energy prices in Dubai with remain broadly flat. In summary, the overall cost base for the hotel service appears to be relatively flat for the first half of 2012. To assess the service type, I have analysed the price, income and cross price elasticities for the hotel service. I have observed from personal experience in the hotel market in Dubai that a 33% reduction in room rates results in almost doubling of demand, suggesting a relatively high price elasticity of demand of -3. This provides evidence that demand in the hotel market in Dubai is very sensitive to room rates. Whilst the service is considered to be a luxury item, the global tourist market is highly competitive. The income elasticity of demand for such a service is likely to be relatively high, given a luxury hotel’s status as a non-essential item. Since it is a global market it is complex to assess how individual income effects will influence each feeder market, although I would expect that this elasticity will generally be greater than 1. For residents of some countries with high GDPs, such as the GCC, I would anticipate a luxury hotel in Dubai may have a slightly higher income elasticity of demand than for countries with a very low GDP, where increases in income may still not be enough to afford this service. When considering possible cross elasticities, a key factor influencing hotel demand in Dubai is likely to be the cost of air travel to the UAE. Since such a high proportion of guests arrive by air, some from far away with relatively large airfares, there is likely to be a high cross price elasticity between demand for hotel rooms and the price of air travel. Looking to the first half of 2012, possible effects on aviation prices may include additional aviation taxes, such as the EU carbon tax [1]. This cross price elasticity may therefore result in less demand for McKenzie Group’s service from Europe. Assessing the market structure for the McKenzie Group Hotel in Dubai, it is highly competitive. For 2012 STR Global said â€Å"most rooms planned to open in the luxury segment (11,123 rooms amp; 34 projects) and upper upscale category (10,198 rooms amp; 31 projects). The new supply growth in 2012 is expected to reach 9. 6% causing both rates and occupancy to slow down† [2]. Given the range of hotels and brands, my assessment is that the market is near to a perfect competition. Competitive strategies are likely to include discounted room rates, special offers for additional added benefits (such as complimentary transfers, room upgrades and theme park tickets), and increased sales and marketing efforts. Given the analysis above, The McKenzie Group will need to compete on pricing supported by investment in sales and marketing campaigns. In order manage the cross price elasticity risk with aviation prices, The Group should look to focus efforts on the non-air travel local market and pursue pricing opportunities for packages with airlines to give competitive overall costs to global customers. The market for The McKenzie Hotel Group is mainly segmented geographically, location of customers is the biggest influence on buying behaviour. This can be grouped into four key feeder markets: Asia Pacific (10% of sales), Europe (40%), GCC (40%) and North America (10%). Demographically, gender has no noticeable effect and buyers from all markets tend to be middle aged professionals. In the European market government-level economic activity is likely to dominate prosperity given the current crisis. High debt and deficit levels in certain countries will lead to big reductions in government spending and may reduce consumer confidence. Combined with general forecasts for flat growth, if not recession, in the first half of 2012, this could have a large negative impact on overall demand. The GCC market however could be buoyant with high levels of government spending activity, mainly on infrastructure backed by oil and gas revenues. There may also be additional government spending on social schemes as a result of the Arab Spring in Levant countries. As a result of this activity, the domestic market is likely to remain strong. Given the analysis above on the economic climate in key feeder markets and the effects of government spending, The McKenzie Group should target the domestic GCC market much stronger in the first half of 2012. Given the breadth of global feeder markets, a variety of currencies must be considered in relation to pricing effects for customers. Costs are all incurred in UAE Dirhams so the main impact on currencies is not on costs but on sales. Since the Dirham and GCC currencies are pegged to the US Dollar there is no consideration required currency fluctuations with the domestic (or North American) market. However some currency fluctuations could have a major impact on sales in the first half of 2012. The Eurozone crisis may reduce the value of the Euro against the Dollar (and hence the Dirham) which will make hotels in Dubai more expensive for customers in the Eurozone market. As well as the cost of rooms, customers will also be affected by the relative increase in costs for anything bought locally, such as food and entertainment. This risk adds to the argument that Europe is not a good prospect for sales for the first half of 2012. Since the UK is not in the Eurozone its currency (Sterling) moves independently to the Euro and given that it is traditionally a strong market for McKenzie Group, this must be considered. Since the UK may enter recession again in the first half of 2012 it seems unlikely that interest rates will be increased from their current low rates. In addition Bank of England actions might also reduce the value of Sterling and so holidays in Dubai will seem relatively expensive for UK customers. McKenzie Group should reduce its reliance on the UK market in the first half of 2012 to help protect against this risk. Having analysed various macroeconomic and microeconomic influences on costs and sales for McKenzie Group Hotels in Dubai in the first half of 2012, there are some clear recommendations for the marketing strategy. Costs are anticipated to be reasonably stable since they are either already fixed or are incurred locally. Sales are likely to be much less stable. Given the high price elasticity on demand and the near perfect competition in the market in Dubai, price strategies will be key. For sales from the European market in particular, poor economic conditions, low levels of government spending, the risk of weak currencies, and cross elasticity with aviation costs, could all have a negative impact on sales. In contrast, these effects have much less, if any, impact on the domestic GCC market which is also likely to be buoyant from government spending. It is recommended to invest sales effort in the GCC for the first half of 2012.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Evolution of US Films Since the 1880s

Evolution of US Films Since the 1880s To what extent has film in the US evolved from the 1880s to modern day? Candidate Name: Dimitri Grigorov Abstract Film has gone through a drastic evolution since it began in the 1880s. There were 5 main stages regarding the evolution of film in the US. The Silent Period lasted from 1895 to 1929. This period brought the first films to the US. These films were black and white and featured no sound, other than some possible instrumentals. Silent movies appealed largely to illiterate immigrants because they didnt have to read, and it was a simple form of entertainment. The Classical Period lasted from 1930 to 1945. This time period was a huge leap forward because sound was introduced to movies. It was a new way to watch movies and people loved it. The Postwar Period, which lasted from 1946 to 1959, was the most historically significant era in the film world. The Transitional Period lasted from 1960 to 1979 and introduced new ideas to cinema that would shape the movies of today. The time period we are in now is known as the Contemporary Period and began in 1980. The Contemporary Period benefitted fro m technological advancements, and more elaborate films were made using CGI. Each time period had its own movements and iconic directors. Investigation Film has evolved since it began in 1880s. Film has gone from short black and white stop motion clips, to full fledged color spectacles with expensive special effects. It has gone from a fascinating gimmick to a new form of art. A lot can happen in the course of a century, and film has definitely changed in drastic ways. Film is an art. It influences people to change the world and to express themselves. Film gives people insight and inspiration in the darkest of days. In the late 1880s various people began experimenting with photo, blending them together to give the illusion of a motion picture. The technology and difficulty to capture that sort of video made motion pictures rare ( The first movie is a controversial subject. There are many differing opinions. Some believe it was The Horse In Motion, directed by Eadweard Muybridge in 1878. This groundbreaking motion photography was accomplished using multiple cameras and assembling the individual pictures into a single motion picture. Its something that you could do today, using a few cameras that are set to go off at an exact moment ( The movie was created to answer a popular question of the time: Are all four of a horses hooves ever off the ground at the same time while the horse is galloping? The video proved that they indeed were and, more importantly, motion photography was born ( Not all people consider this film the first one, though. Some think the first film was Roundhay Garden Scene, released in 1888. Its a short clip directed by French inventor Louis Le Prince. While its just 2.11 seconds long, it is technically a movie ( According to the Guinness Book of Records, it is the oldest surviving film in existence ( Eventually, films got longer. Brothers Auguste and Louis Lumià ¨re became prominent figures in the film world. They created various short films and were among the first filmmakers in history. Their films were unique at the time because instead of lasting a few seconds, they lasted a few minutes. The brothers even infused some comedy into their films. In one scene, a man is watering his garden, while a boy is stepping on his hose. The man, not noticing the boy, wonders why water stops pouring out of it. This slapstick humor would later become more prevalent in films such as Charlie Chaplin. The Lumià ¨re brothers were also iconic in the film world because they devised an early motion-picture camera and projector called the Cinà ©matographe (cinema is derived from this name), according to This device was a leap forward because it allowed more people to simultaneously watch films. Previously, only one person at a time could watch . Originally, the device was invented and patented as the Cinà ©matographe Là ©on Bouly by French inventor Là ©on Bouly on February 12, 1892. Bouly coined the term cinematograph, from the Greek term for writing in movement. Due to a lack of money, Bouly was unable to develop his ideas properly and maintain his patent fees, so he sold his rights to the device and its name to the Lumià ¨re Brothers. In 1895, they applied the name to a device that was largely their own creation. They made their first film, Sortie de lusine Lumià ¨re de Lyon, that same year ( By 1895, the silent film era arrived. The earliest American films were primarily a working-class pastime. Because they told stories without words, they appealed to the large, mostly illiterate immigrant population in the United States ( After 1900, film became a more middle-class phenomenon, as filmmakers exploited films storytelling potential by adapting bourgeois novels, which incorporated middle-class values, for the screen ( Until 1914, the major national film industries were located in Italy, France, and the United States. When World War I came, it devastated the Italian and French film industries, allowing American producers to gain the lead on the global market. The major American production companies combined their film technology patents and used their patent leverage to implement block booking on exhibitors (movie theater owners), which forced them to buy lower-quality product along with high-quality product ( These exhibitors fought back by buying small production companies, and eventually managed to beat out the major producers because they were quicker to adopt feature-length films, which proved to be more commercially successful than the earlier shorts. From 1907-1913, many production companies moved from New York City to Los Angeles to work in the warm weather that allowed for year-round outdoor production, giving birth to the Hollywood film industry. The costs associated with vertical integration (the combination in one company of two or more stages of production normally operated by separate companies) forced Hollywood studios to seek investment from Wall Street bankers. This development, along with the industrial modes of production pioneered and the bourgeois storytelling conventions introduced, turned Hollywood into a profit-driven enterprise and its films into commercial products ( One of the most prominent figures in US silent film was Charlie Chaplin. Between 1914 and 1918, Chaplin became the first international film star when he wrote, directed, and starred in short films as the Tramp, a silly figure with baggy pants, big shoes, funky mustache, snazzy suit, and cane. For Chaplin, comedy was a way to examine the impact of social conventions and taboos on personal freedom and happiness. His Tramp character had lots of charisma: sensible, brave, and wise but also flirty, vulnerable, and socially awkward. Chaplins criticism of leaders, moral and political issues, and material and psychological divisions between classes and genders reached its high point in later feature-length works, such as City Lights and Monsieur Verdoux ( Film was making a name for itself. The idea of pictures coming to life was fascinating on a deep level. This kind of thing was universally recognized and respected. Movies with sound arrived on the scene. The era between 1930 and 1945 was called the Classical Period and was a monumental leap forward for the film world. The transition from silent to sound films caused great change in the film industry, requiring costly renovation of production studios and movie theaters, ending the careers of many silent film stars, and making it more difficult to sell films abroad. Hollywood took some time to overcome the artistic and technical challenges of sound film production, and the result was several years of bland output. For European filmmakers, production costs were expensive because Hollywood studios owned the patents to the new sound technology and licensed it at an expensive price. This allowed the US to continue to be dominant in the film world ( the mid-1930s, Hollywood entered a period of unmatched success and prosperity, with five major studios (Paramount, Warner Brothers, MGM, RKO, and Twentieth Century Fox) and three minor studios (Universal, Columbia, and United Artists) introducing unique styles, genres, and stars. In 1934, under pressure from religious organizations such as t he Legion of Decency, Hollywood implemented a Production Code that censored the content of its films, filtering out portrayals of lewd sexuality, bad language, graphic violence, and drug use. During World War II, Hollywood contributed enormously to the war effort through the production of propaganda films ( Despite the shift in film themes, the industry was soaring. Then World War II came. The period between 1946 and 1959 was known as the Postwar Period ( The war affected American filmmakers and audiences, leading to the production of dark, morally ambiguous and socially critical films in the film noir style. The US made various films depicting the USSRs idea of communism in a negative light. This anti-Communist sentiment flourished as the U.S.s former ally the Soviet Union became its primary enemy. In the 1949 movie The Red Menace, an ex-GI named Bill Jones becomes involved with the Communist Party USA. While in training, Jones falls in love with one of his instructors. After a duration of being true followers of communism, they realize their mistake when they witness party leaders murder a member who questions the partys principles. When they try to leave the party, the two are marked for murder and hunted by the partys assassins ( New York Times journalist Bosley Crowther points out that the characters in the film are highly overdramatized and villainous to an unrealistic extent. She implies that this discredits the accuracy of the film. Nevertheless, the film was released to the American public, infusing them with skewed information. Another 1949 propaganda film, The Woman on Pier Thirteen, previously known as I Married a Communist, shares similar themes. In this film, Brad Collins, former stevedore, is rising fast in a shipping company when local communist agitators use his former Party affiliation to extort his help in stirring up trouble. When Brad resists, communist femme fatale Christine works through his brother-in-law Don. But Brads new wife Nan sees that her husband and brother are under pressure; when she investigates on her own, party boss Vanning takes ruthless action ( Again, communism is being portrayed in a negative light and as a threat to Americans. Communist leaders are being shown as evil and bloodthirsty. HUAC was formed to combat the threatof Communism. This organization tried professionals suspected of having Communist ties. As a result of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings, many of Hollywoods most talented actors, directors, and screenwriters were blacklisted by the studios because of suspected ties to the Communist Party. Some moved to Europe, some continued to work by using colleagues names as fronts, and others saw their careers and lives ruined ( In response to competition from the new medium of television, Hollywood made films that showcased cinemas distinctive qualities: stereophonic sound, large screen size, and color images, benefiting from the emergence of widescreen technology and better color film stock. By the mid-1950s, the blacklist and new technologies led Hollywood to concentrate on apolitical, spectacular films such as biblical epics, westerns, and musicals. A 1948 Supreme Court decision forced Hollywood studios to end their vertical integration policies, making the marketplace more competitive and increasing opportunities for independent and foreign producers ( The Postwar Period is when many of the most influential directors of all time arose. People like Orson Welles and Alfred Hitchcock, directors who are still well known today, got their start in this era. These directors would go on to be the inspiration for many modern day directors. Orson Welles is very well known because he was one of the youngest directors of all time. In 1940, Welles signed a $225,000 contract with RKO to write, direct and produce two films. The deal gave the young filmmaker total creative control, as well as a percentage of the profits. At the time, this was the most lucrative deal ever made with an unproven filmmaker. Welles was just 24 years old ( Unlike many of his contemporaries, Welles gained international recognition mostly on the basis of only that film, which was Citizen Kane (1941). The film is full of technical innovations, including crane shots, overlapping dialogue, multiple audio tracks, purposely grainy film stock, and low-angle photography. It explores themes that Welles would revisit throughout his career: the corruption of power and wealth, the fine line between desire and obsession, the precariousness of knowledge, and the limits of ego and ambition. Welless use of deep focus, long takes, and special lighting influenced a generation of filmmakers working in the postwar film noir and realist styles. Though rejected by audiences and undermined by studio executives throughout his career, Welles still managed to make several more highly acclaimed films, including The Lady from Shanghai (1948) and 1958s Touch of Evil ( Perhaps the only director more iconic to this era was Alfred Hitchcock. In a career spanning half a century, Hitchcock got acclaim in both his homeland Britain and Hollywood. He directed some of the most memorable films of all time, including The 39 Steps (1935), Vertigo (1958), and North by Northwest (1959). Influenced by German expressionism and Soviet montage, Hitchcock used detailed visual and aural compositions to express his protagonists feelings of paranoia and claustrophobia, along with complex editing to create suspense. With a self awareness of society, Hitchcock examined the abnormal perversions and obsessive desires lurking beneath the surface of ordinary lives and communities, enabling him to become an astute observer of America in the 1950s, the decade during which he directed his greatest films ( He would later be deemed as the master of suspense. By the time 1960 arrived, yet another era of film history began. The time between 1960 and 1979 was known as the Transitional Period. This period had its ups and downs but would eventually shape the modern movies we watch today. By the 1960s, Hollywood was in decline, unable to keep up with the radical political and cultural developments transforming American society. European films, however, fueled by government funding of film production, achieved unprecedented levels of critical acclaim and box-office success. The sophistication and creativity of these films led to the recognition of cinema as an artistic medium, not simply a form of mass entertainment ( In contrast, Hollywood films in the early 1960s seemed devoid of style, boring, and out of touch. Less and less studio productions brought revenue. Hollywood reacted by cutting costs, entering into partnerships with independent and foreign producers, and allowing more flexibility in terms of experimentation ( One exception to the low quality films produced in the 1960s was Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho. This film shocked audiences with a twist ending that audiences werent used to. The film was quite progressive for its time as well. The twist was that a man was dressing as his mother, taking on her identity, and killing women. Cross dressing, other than for comedy, was not popular yet and the fact that Hitchcock was daring enough to include this in his film, proved again to audiences that he was a force to be reckoned with. Still, most movies in the early 1960s were of lower quality unil Hollywood underwent another change in 1968. In 1968, the decades-old Production Code was scrapped, and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) began to issue movie ratings, which enabled the industry to make more daring and challenging films. These changes, along with a middle-class migration to the suburbs that left urban movie theaters in disarray, led to new genres such as exploitation and hardcore pornography ( More famous directors got onto the scene in the Transitional Period. One of these directors was Francis Ford Coppola. He directed four of the most important American films of the 1970s-The Godfather (1972), The Godfather Part II (1974), The Conversation (1974), and Apocalypse Now (1979). Coppola was also an accomplished producer and writer. Along with George Lucas, Martin Scorsese, and Brian De Palma, he was part of the first generation of filmmakers to attend film school. His training enabled him to combine visceral visual imagery, compelling storylines, and dynamic editing in order to create iconic portraits of American interests, whether at home or abroad. Coppola was renowned for his biting critique of the power dynamics of individual and family ambition amid the corrupting influence of American capitalism and imperialism ( John Cassavetes was another memorable director from the Transitional Period. Considered the founding father of American independent cinema, Cassavetes was also a talented actor who accepted roles in Hollywood in order to fund his own films. His commitment to making films outside of the studio system became legendary and influenced a generation of American independent filmmakers. Cassavetes rejected the formulaic plots, essentialist characterizations, and tidy narrative resolutions of Hollywood cinema. His most influential films, Faces (1968), Husbands (1970), and A Woman Under the Influence (1974), feature iconic acting performances that reveal the raw emotional energy of human interaction, chronicling the struggle of characters to express themselves honestly and fully under the pressure of linear social and moral conventions ( of the few filmmakers to connect with the American counterculture was Arthur Penn, whose Bonnie and Clyde (1967) became the emblematic film of its generation. Influenced by the style and politics of the French New Wave and American underground cinema, Penn sought to overturn Hollywoods staid representational conventions. Bonnie and Clyde incorporates many of the characteristics that would define American cinema for the next decade: romantic anti-establishment heroes, explicit treatment of sexual and psychological issues, a negative portrayal of authority figures and societal institutions, graphic depiction of violence, genre hybridity (often a mixture of comedy and drama), and a refusal to resolve narrative conflicts tidily ( By 1980, we reached our time period, the Contemporary Period. Multinational corporations bought and merged many movie studios, ending the period of artistic experimentation in Hollywood. The industry has returned to financial success and global dominance through the development of blockbuster franchises, large-scale marketing campaigns, and content aimed at children. It also has placed increasing emphasis on spectacular special effects in order to draw audiences into movie theaters. CGI was huge in this time period ( The emergence of affordable digital video cameras and the growth of the film festival circuit have expanded the possibilities for independent filmmakers around the world to produce, distribute, and exhibit films ( American independent film has flourished in the past 25 years, as well, emerging as a voice for those who do not identify with the image of America that Hollywood has projected. Independent films often contain explicit treatments of sexual, political, and psychological issues and avoid formulaic plots with happy endings and clearly defined characters. They are made by and for women (Susan Seidelman, Julie Dash), racial and ethnic minorities (Charles Burnett, Lourdes Portillo), gays and lesbians (Todd Haynes, Su Friedrich, Julie Zando), working classes (Michael Moore, John Sayles) and other groups who are not adequately represented in mainstream cinema. Harmony Korine, John Waters, Jim Jarmusch, David Lynch, Terry Zwigoff, and Todd Solondz make films full of dark humor that explore the lives of social misfits who are often ignored or ridiculed in Hollywood films. The success of the independents has led many Hollywood studios to establish subsidiaries that distribute smaller-budget fil ms, blurring the lines of distinction between industrial and independent cinema. Key films include Jim Jarmuschs Stranger than Paradise (1983), David Lynchs Blue Velvet (1986), Steven Soderberghs Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989), Spike Lees Do The Right Thing (1989), Quentin Tarantinos Reservoir Dogs (1992), and Wes Andersons 1998 film, Rushmore ( Documentaries also soared in recent years. Challenging the tenets of direct, traditional cinema, many recent documentary filmmakers have included autobiographical and subjective elements in their films. Michael Moore and Marcel Ophuls insert themselves prominently into the fabric of their social and historical documentaries, both as on-camera interviewers and through voice-over, presenting themselves as near-mythical pursuers of truth and justice. Ross McElwee and Sadie Benning make introspective, essayistic films about their lives. Chris Marker and Marlon Riggs combine autobiography with political and philosophical analysis. Key films include Markers Sans Soleil (1983), McElwees Shermans March (1986), Ophulss Hà ´tel Terminus (1988), Moores Roger Me (1989), Riggss Tongues Untied (1990), and 1992s Bennings It Wasnt Love ( The Contemporary Period gave us many of the directors we know and respect today. Directors like Steven Spielberg reinvented the way Hollywood works, and people like Oliver Stone brought a new edge to cinema. Spielberg has been at the forefront of Hollywoods reemergence as a dominant global industry. His 1975 film Jaws became the first modern blockbuster, revolutionizing the way Hollywood films are distributed and marketed. Jaws was released simultaneously in over 400 theaters, marketed extensively on national television, and timed for release in the summer, which linked thematically with its subject matter. In the 1980s, Spielberg showcased his storytelling talents with a series of hugely successful science fiction and adventure films such as Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), which explicitly appealed to younger audiences. These films brought families back into theaters with compelling stories that were in line with Reagan-era ideals of family values and American moral and technological supremacy ( Unlike that of Spielberg, Stones controversial career has been defined by its rebuttal to modern American values and trends. In a period when American films have become less historical and oppositional, Stone has made four of the most important political films of his generation, Salvador (1986), Platoon (1986), Wall Street (1987) and JFK (1991), in which he looks critically at Americas military-industrial complex, capitalist institutions, and foreign policy. In an era defined by minimal political dissent, Stone has managed to produce controversial, instigating films because his considerable storytelling abilities have made many of his films commercially successful ( Film has become a massive part of our society. Film influences pop culture, language, and fashion. Some movies teach us crucial life lessons, some expose American corruption, and some just provide us some much needed entertainment. The industry has evolved a lot since it began over a century ago. Every time period mentioned in this essay brought advancements to film. The Classical Period was a huge upgrade from the Silent Period because of the transition to sound. The Postwar Period was the most historically significant period of film. The Transitional Period reinvented the way Hollywood worked. The Contemporary Period shaped the films of today by introducing new concepts such as CGI and blockbuster multi part series. This is important because we can use films as doorways to the past. You can read about history, but to see it played out onscreen is incredible. By looking at films in the 60s, you can see how fashion then differed from the fashion we express today. By looking at a movi e from the 90s, you can see what slang was used back then. Film has shaped the world we live in today and will continue to do so in the future. Bibliography Eisenstein, S. (Director). (1925). The Battleship Potemkin [Motion picture on DVD]. Russia. Colman, D. (2011, September 20). The Birth of Film: 11 Firsts in Cinema. Retrieved October 04, 2016, from Most Influential, Significant and Important Films in American Cinema Introduction. (n.d.). Retrieved October 04, 2016, from 11 Essential Camera Techniques in Filmmaking With Animated Images. (n.d.). Retrieved October 04, 2016, from Fox, D. (2015, October 20). The Room. Retrieved October 04, 2016, from Bitoun, R. E. (2015, April 21). A History of Colour: The Difficult Transition from Black and White Cinematography. Retrieved October 04, 2016, from Semlyen, P. D. (2015, October 09). A History Of CGI In The Movies. Retrieved October 04, 2016, from The Evolution of Acting. (2005, February 23). Retrieved October 04, 2016, from The Film Rating System (CARA). (n.d.). Retrieved October 04, 2016, from Hurbis-Cherrier, M. (n.d.). Screenwriting. Retrieved October 04, 2016, from Film Studies. SparkNotes. SparkNotes, 2011. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Using Pneumatic And Hydraulic System Engineering Essay

Using Pneumatic And Hydraulic System Engineering Essay Automation is the integration of mechanical, computer electronic based activities the control of manufacturing processes in the field of production. Different techniques of automation are carried using pneumatic, hydraulic system, cam follower computer system. In this project of automation of burr cleaning process, I have selected and implemented the pneumatic technique of automation. For automation, I have designed manufactured air blowing machine, which is operated with the help of pneumatic system controlled by PLC. In this mechanism the DLL nozzle is run over the guide way clamp by pneumatic cylinder. Then the air pressure of 5 bars is supplied to the tip of nozzle through jet which cleans the burr form nozzle ball end. I assembled air blowing machine with pneumatic cylinders for clamping, unclamping, supporting individualizing purpose, proximity sensor other necessary components. In this automation of air blowing machine I studied different types of machining processes, pneumatic system, and PLC system. After automation of air blowing machine the working stress on operator is reduced the production rate is substantially increased with improvement in quality of burr cleaning process. Chapter 1 : Introduction This project identifies and describes the automation process used to clean and deburr the nozzle which is present in fuel injection system, through the working of Air blowing machine. Air blowing machine uses different concepts of automation such as pneumatic, hydraulics, cam-follower etc. The main function of this machine is to control manufacturing process in production. 1.1.Background Nozzle is one of the vital component in any fuel injection system which is attached to the nozzle holder. It is integral and important part of an injector which regulates the flow of fuel to the ultimate ignition compartment.. According to Sean Bennet all Diesel engines (DI) are directly injected. The fuel is injected into the cylinder immediately above the piston. Atomization is necessary for the injected fuel. Atomization of the fuel requires breaking it up into very small liquid droplets. These droplets are produced by forcing very high high-pressure fuel through minutely sized orifices or holes. The smaller the droplets, the faster it will vaporize and ignite when it is propelled into the engine cylinder. The size of droplets that exits the injector depends on following factors : Size of Orifice: The diameter of the orifice determines the size and flow of in the system. It does not change after it has been manufactured. Pressure :Injection pumps manages the pressure in nozzles. The higher the pressure, the smaller the droplets exiting the nozzle. The means to inject the fuel into the cylinder is an injector nozzle. Injector are further subdivided in two types with respect of an electronically controlled pump and injector components : Multiple-orifice hydraulics nozzles. Electrohydraulic nozzles. Injector nozzles are mostly used in diesel engines, marine engines, locomotives and automobile industrial equipments .The main function of nozzle is to convert the diesel into diesel vapours and spray it on the piston. Injector nozzles are widely used in American tanks. Figure 1.1 External view of injector/orifii nozzle (Courtesy of Robert Bosch GmbH, The main users of nozzles are Nissan, Mitsubishi while Bosch is one of the leading manufacturers of these nozzles .Manufacturing process of this nozzle is carried through several operations after case hardening. These operations are drilling, grinding and pinning of the orifice. After the compete process of pinning, it is found that some metal particles and burr is remained at the orfii. In order to eliminate this particle nozzle testing machine is required to test the nozzle. 1.2 Issue : Air blowing operation is carried by an operator with the help of cylinder or jet directly attached to compressed air supply. To serve this purpose operator clamps the whole tray full of nozzles and then he reverse it. This gives more fatigue and stress to the operator because of its heavy weight. Then jet is placed on the ball end of nozzle and part gets clean. One part is been cleaned at a time. Furthermore, since inside of the nozzle body function as passage to the fuel ,if any chip or burr generated in cutting process remain on the nozzle body, it enters into the contact surface of the valve element and causes malfunction and fuel spillage of the valve element, which result into the loss of product reliability. The aim of the task is to make air blowing operation which is done after pinning to remove burr present inside the nozzle automatic and reliable, so the stress on operator is reduced with control manufacturing system. 1.3. Objectives : The main objectives of the project are stated as follows: To study and implement the pneumatic technique of automation for the successful working of the machine. To design and develop Air blowing machine which will be used in manufacturing and cleaning process of nozzle present in the fuel injection system. After the Research of Diesel Engine from Books and internet it is found that nozzle is one of the important part in fuel injection system. Nozzle development led to study the manufacturing processes of nozzle. Bosch company are the leading producers and patent of the diesel engine stated by Rudolf Diesel. In the general manufacturing process of nozzle after the case hardening, drilling, ball-grinding and pinning are important operation for the processing of the nozzle. However it is found out that during this operation burr or free metal particle gets collected inside the nozzle body. Introduction of Air blowing machine : To remove this burr or free metal particle Air blowing machine is introduced for the improved performance of the nozzle. Draft Design and 3d model: In order to build a successful Air blowing machine, design is very important to generate the safe and working model. Selection of materials, shape, parameters is the important factors to develop a 3D model of machine. Softwares like solid works, CES and some hand calculation is useful for the correct and accurate 3D draft design. Analysis and Results : After the complete design process of the machine the next and important stage is the mechatronic analysis. Pneuamatic and Electronics (PLC circuit ) techniques are used for the successful and automatic working of the machine. If these techniques are successful then go to the next stage or else go back and recheck the 3D model again. After the analysis, results indicates the final consequence for the actions of the work. Validation of results gives the reality check of the project. If the validation is true then follow the next stage and conclude the project with the useful recommendations. Chapter three : Literature Review 3.1 Patent and Research : Bosch group is one of the leading manufacturers of these nozzles and equipment for motor vehicle. In early as 1863, the Frenchman Etienne Lenoir had tested and driven a vehicle which was powered by a gas engine which he had developed. However, this vehicle proved insufficient for installing in and driving. It was not until Nikolaus August Ottos four-stroke engine with magneto ignition that operation with liquid fuel and thereby mobile application were made possible. But the efficiency of these engines was low. Rudolf Diesel then developed an engine with much higher efficiency and to pursue his idea through higher efficiency and to pursue his idea through manufacturing. In 1897, in cooperation with Machinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg ,Rudol Diesel built the first working prototype of a combustion engine to be run on inexpensive fuel oil. However due to heavy weight of the engine, it wasw not considered for use in land vehicle. But with further improvements in fuel injecton and mixture formation, Diesels innovation caught on and there were no longer any viable alternatives for marine and fixed-installation engines.(Adopted from Robert Bosch Gmbh, DIESEL-Engine Management by Wiley 4t edition et al 2005) In 1886,Robert Bosch (1861-1942), introduced a workshop for electrical and mechanical engineers in Stuttgart, Germany. Later on in 1897 Bosch opened ignition system in gasoline engines. In 1922,Robert Bosch turned his attention to diesel engine and hence started manufacturing accessory parts such as nozzles and fuel injection pumps. Rudolf diesel wanted to inject the fuel directly earlier in the system, but was unable to do this because of unavailability of the nozzles and fuel-injection pumps. In contrary these pumps were used in compressed-air injection, had to be suitable for back pressure reactions of up to several different atmospheres. Nozzles had to have quite fine outlet openings because the task fell upon the pump and nozzle is increased to atomize the fuel. Hence in 1922 Bosch wanted to develop the nozzles and fuel-injection pumps that fulfils the requirement of all the heavy-oil low power engines with direct fuel injection. 3.2 Development of the system : The demand of fuel injection equipment on such that it should be a capable of injecting even small amounts of fuel with only quite small differences, so that it should facilitate more smoother and constant at low idle speeds. The performance of this system depends highly on injection pressure which should be average or above 100 bar. The operating hours of the pump was over 2000 according to Bosch. Hence the need to develop the related equipments had grown immensely with application of materials and production engineering. In 1925, Bosch joined hands with Acro AG to utilize the Acro patents on a diesel engine system with related injected equipments(nozzle). Acro injection properties did not matched, Boschs own test system but it offered diesel engine which was suitable for small cylinder units and high speeds and this led Bosch to develop nozzle and fuel injection pump. Sooner the first diesel fuel-injection pump by Bosch was produced Nozzle were developed parallel to pump development. Hole type nozzle were added later after the introduction of pintle nozzle. The nozzle were adapted with their process and size. Engineering manufacturers also wanted a nozzle which could be used in spark plug on a gasoline engine. 3.3 Expert View : 3.4 Scope of improvement: Diesel fuel injection has greater degree of features in world of technology. The needle valve in fuel injection system opens and close nozzle more than million times in the service life of nozzle. It generates and provides pressure as high as 2,050 bar and depends on stresses such as: Temperature and pressure of the combustion chamber . Shock caused by continuous opening and closing. High flow related stresses during fuel injection. Below are the features of the nozzle and its processes: Injection duration is 1-2 milliseconds which is higher compare to sound wave from loudspeaker . Pressure in the fuel-injection chamber is more than 2,050 bar and it operates efficiently at such a high pressure. Injection duration in vehicle varies from very low range to high range,hence the amount of fuel is forced at very high velocity through a very small opening. The clearance of valve needle is 0.002 mm which is very minimal. Hence high technology demands an enormous amount of expertise in development, materials and manufacturing techniques. 3.2 Current stage : Processes on nozzle : During the manufacturing process when part is about to go through final processses,case hardeniing is done on it. After case hardening, part goes through two operation as folllows : Drilling of the Orifice Ball Grinding at ball end from outer surface. When nozzle comes out for drilling, it is first hardened. Then the orifice is drilled at the ball end. According to the requirement the number of orifice varies from 3-8.The diameter of orifice is within 0.3-0.4 mm.DLL nozzles are further classified in many types with number of orifice. Fig1.2:Orifice drilled at ball end Then the part is brought to grinding station, where part goes through outer grinding at the ball end. Fig 1. Grinding at ball end after drilling A metal burr is remained at the entrance of the orifice due to the grinding. This metal burr reduces the performance of the nozzle. Hence it is necessary to remove this burr .To serve this burr, pinning operation is done on nozzle so that burr gets removed. Fig:1.4 Metal burr remain at ball end due to grinding Pinning :- Pinning is the operation in which a needle having comparatively smaller diameter than orifice is attached to the small motor having speed of 300 rpm.This needle is then inserted in the orifice.Due to this the burr is removed and gets collected inside the nozzle at the ball end. These free metal particles reduces the performance of nozzle or can damage the nozzle inside the body.Its not an easy task to remove this free metal particle.An air pressure of 5-10 bar is blown inside the nozzle from ball end to come out from other end of the nozzle as shown in below figure Fig 1.5 Air blowing through orifice to remove free metal particle Chapter 4 : Design Introduction of Air Blowing Machine Fig: Air Blowing Machine 4.1 Introduction of Air Blowing Machine It is the machine used to remove the free metal particles present inside the nozzle body. The main function of this machine is to remove this free metal. To remove this metal air is been blown inside the nozzle at 5bar pressure. Pneumatic circuit is attached to the machine and it is controlled by PLC. Hence it is based on mechatronics. Mechatronics is the branch of engineering which is defined as the combination of mechanical and electronics engineering to improve quality, productivity and effective utilization of energy. Pneumatics deals with usage of compressed air to create motion and hence can be utilised for doing useful work. Certain characteristics of compressed air have made this medium suitable for the use in modern manufacturing and production plants. Introduction of pneumatics in the manufacturing process benefited with cheaper medium of industrial automation which if judiciously used, may bring down the cost of production to much lower level. Many mechanical task that came across can be achieved pneumatically in nozzle manufacturing process. 4.2 Material Selection of Materials : Material should be softer than Nozzle material. The optimum material is Mild Steel according to CES software Properties of mild steel (C3O) : Carbon percentage = 0.3% Modulus of Elasticity= 2.06105 N/mm ² Modulus of Rigidity = 0.79105 N/mm ² Poissons Ratio = 0.3 Tensile Strength = 600 to 750 N/mm ² Yield Strength = 400 N/mm ² Izod Impact Value = 55Nm Density = 7.7810 4.3 Hand -Calculation for Design : Angle of Inclination for the Guide way : Fig : Forces on Nozzle Data Found : Mass of nozzle = 200gm Co-efficient of friction = 8 % Weight (w) = 0.20 9.81 = 1.962 N Let, R= Reaction force. ÃŽ ¨ = Angle of contact Addition of forces in horizontal direction is zero. Hence, ÃŽ £Fx = 0 R = w cos ÃŽ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 1 Addition of forces in vertical direction is also zero. Hence, ÃŽ £Fy = 0 ÃŽ ¼R = w sin ÃŽ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 Now by dividing equation 2 by 1 we get, ÃŽ ¼ = tan ÃŽ ¨ 0.08 = tan ÃŽ ¨ ÃŽ ¨ = 4.573ËÅ ¡ Therefore, ÃŽ ¨ = 5ËÅ ¡ To find reaction, From equation 1, R = w cos ÃŽ ¨ R = 1.962 cos (5) R = 1.9543 Factor of safety for design : Design of Cylinder holder : 1 Fig : Cylinder holder for cylinder Air pressure = 5 bar Force by the cylinder = 245 N†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.(Reference solid works ) Hence, Bending moment = Force x Displacement = 245 x 36 = 8820 N-mm Static load through stress, Volume of the holder = 4042 x15 +15 x15 x71 x40 = 67.8 x 10 ³ mm ³ Mass = Density x Volume = 7.78 x10-6 x 67.8 x 10 ³ = 0.5278 Kg Weight (P1) = mass x gravitational acceleration = 0.5278 x 9.81 = 5.1746 N Total weight (P) = Wt. of element + Wt. of cylinder = 5.1746 + 0.59.81 = 10.0746 N Stresses at the joint (ÏÆ') = P à · A = 10.0746 à · 6515 = 10.338 10-3 N/mm ² Extension in the element (ÏÆ'st) = (ÏÆ' à · E) x L = (10.33810-3 à · 2.06x 105) x 35 = 1.756 x 10-6 mm Maximum Impact load acting on the bolt (Pmax) = P {1+√ [(2 h) à · ÏÆ'st ] } = 10.0746 {1+ √ [(2 x 50) à · 1.756 x 10-6]} = 76.06 x 10 ³N Stress produce due to Impact load (ÏÆ'p) =√ [(2 E P h) à · (AL)] = √ [(2x 2.06x 105 x (10.1746+245) x 50) à · (6515 x 35)] = 392.47 N/mm ² 392.47 N/mm ² < 600 N/mm Stress produce due to impact load less than 600 N/mm hence design is safe.